What people are saying

A public intellectual, marketing thought leader, social critic, and writer, Dr. Gabriel is followed by over 18,000 professionals on LinkedIn. Follow her and join the community here.

  • “It is so clear that this is your ministry. When we step into our vocation, the work sings. And yours certainly does.”

    — Sarah

  • "I learn something new from you every time you post. I'm in awe of your brain and compassion. You make me (all of us) think deeper, wider, closer, more critically, more meaningfully."

    — Andy

  • "Unlike most of content on LI, I always read your posts in full, and they make me think, without fail. I wish there was someone writing with such style, clarity, depth, care and insight in every one of my areas of interest and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your authentic, compassionate, critical, emoji-free posts."

    — Gaby

  • "I so appreciate and value your voice here. Thank you for pushing my thinking."

  • "The authenticity of your voice is a huge component of your ability to deliver with impact."

    — Jerven

  • "You cut to clarity and consciousness on issues that create discomfort… At the same time, your cuts mend. For some of us, your cuts help mend disconnects providing a pathway for us to take initiative, have a voice, provide disruptive perspective, and to continue to question processes, policies, and our white individual selves as it relates to upholding or dismantling systems of racism and oppression. Your cuts are a springboard… and your launch is down-right powerful.”

    — Sarah

  • "Anastasia, I've also been meaning to write to you — your writing blows me away. It is illuminating and so spot on."

    — Asha

  • "Your voice is so clear and your words and ideas impactful. Society is unquestionably better for it."

    — Jiu-Luen

  • "Dr. Gabriel goes harder than 99.9%. This is conviction epitomized."

    — Andrew

  • "I just wanted to tell you that I'm so deeply inspired by every single post and how you lead with such strong values and bravery."

    — Audrey

  • “I have saved screenshots of many of your posts because you don’t write like a typical LinkedIn “influencer” but because you say what is real in a theory-driven, evidence-based way in a style that is intelligent, assumed the intelligence of your audience, and is filled with the righteous outrage and moral courage that we all need in this world.”

    — Sarah

  • "One of the best critical thinkers and human beings I have encountered in my 16 years on this platform."

    — Nora

  • "I appreciate everything you do. It has given me hope. Thank you for your uncompromising fortitude."

    — Paul

  • "You help me keep going and inspire me when I am tired. Thank you."

    — Emily

  • "Thank you for being an ally, even when it cost you something. You don't know (or maybe you do) the POWER of your voice in these spaces, especially when we aren't even present to speak for ourselves."

    — Chidi

  • "It is truly inspiring to see your activism on LinkedIn—and how thoughtful and articulate you are."

    — Maria

  • "You've taught me so much and I can't wait to get your book. I'm grateful to continue learning from those speaking truth to power. It helps me to amplify my own community. Many thanks!"

    — Lee

  • "A quick note to thank you for the value you bring to this platform. It's refreshing to find a true thought leader. Your content is 🔥."

    — Veronica

  • "I continue to be inspired by your words. Thank you for always speaking the truth, and putting the fight behind your words. I don't know you, but you are a real one!!!"

    — Venita

  • "I've always wanted to comment on your post to share how much I appreciate, I am challenged by, and admire your brilliant clear and compelling thought leadership. Know there are others (like me!) who are grateful, and, more importantly, are changed by following your lead on here. Meant most sincerely."

    — Katie

  • "I follow you on LinkedIn, but I am so happy to see you here on Instagram! You're so intelligent articulate and inspiring. Thanks for putting yourself out there."

    — Matilde